the band

'I’m fortunate enough to play with the best musicians you could find anywhere. And although the lead instrument is a National or a 12-string guitar, as a band we have every bit as much punch, power and volume, as any electric band.' Mark Harrison

the band

CHARLES BENFIELD: double bass / vocals

Charles is a brilliant and much admired double bass player and the lynchpin of the whole thing. He produced, mixed and mastered the first three albums. He's a terrific musician, who knows everything I don't know - a pretty broad field that appears to be getting bigger all the time. He does fine vocals too. I do a lot of duo gigs with Charles, it works incredibly well.

the band

BEN WELBURN: drums/percussion

Ben’s drumming style perfectly matches the material and adds hugely to what I’m doing. He’s a natural for this kind of music and always comes up with something that’s both interesting and right. He also plays an array of percussion, including washboard. As a team, Ben and Charles work perfectly together making the whole thing a seamless unit that flies.

Other fine musicians who have played with me:

ED HOPWOOD: drums/percussion/harmonica/vocals

Ed’s drumming and percussion was a huge asset over many albums and countless gigs. On top of that, he’s an exceptional harmonica player, as shown by his playing on the latest album.

PAUL TKACHENKO: tuba/trumpet/trombone/mandolin/organ/piano/accordion

Paul is a straight down the line genius multi-instrumentalist who has made a huge contribution to the last two albums. He simply shows up and lays magic down.


There is no better piano player anywhere than Paddy and it was a huge joy to have him play on several tracks on the latest album.

GAIL PORTER: spoken introductions

Gail’s lovely Scottish tones, heard on so many TV and radio shows and adverts too, deliver the spoken introductions for each track that are a unique feature of the latest album.

the band

WILL GREENER: harmonica

Will is an extraordinary harmonica player who is a complete individualist. He doesn't just play brilliantly, he does things that are both unexpected and just right. You have no idea what a harmonica can sound like until you’ve heard (and seen) Will in full flight. He played with me right from the start, until he went to start a new life abroad. He’s on the first three albums.

JOSIENNE CLARKE: vocals/sax/flute

Josienne has an astonishing voice that works wonderfully with my songs. She was in the band for three years, we did many many gigs together and she is on the second and third albums. When she took lead vocal, rooms stopped and heads turned. Her harmonies were a treat too. She and Ben are a thriving folk duo.

BEN WALKER: mandolin/electric guitar

Ben is a very gifted musician who was with me for three years and two albums and a whole lot of gigs. He made a big contribution, his mandolin playing an integral part of the sound.


Probably the first musician I came across when I started out in London, and I doubt I’ve come across a better one since. Great singer, guitarist and songwriter, he played keyboards on The World Outside.

RYAN CARR: mandolin/vocals

Ryan is an amazing mandolin player, who played with me at the start and featured prominently on Crooked Smile. After three years, and a great many gigs and adventures, he returned to his native Canada.

the band

the band

the band
The Panoramic View
On The Chicken Sandwich Train Live
The World Outside
Crooked Smile
Watching the Parade